Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week One in Richmond week has been and gone. I have done a few shifts here now and am learning new skills everyday even though it is such a quiet hospital. So far I have learnt to use the QLD health "Istat" system, "Ipharmacy system", how to interact with the Royal Flying Doctors- how to do a handover and transfer etc... and also, a new skill for me, triage nursing. In the past i have had direct admissions however there has always been a doctor nearby if everything went haywire. In this location we wait, we wait for the snake bite, the heart attack, the wounds and injuries, the medical emergencies etc. It has been somewhat unnerving to have the sole responsibility of a patient. Do I send them home with a panadol? Do I call for the doctor at 3am? It has been a wonderful learning curve so far even in such a short while.
The people here have been so wonderful, helpful and friendly. They are inclusive and not resentful that an 'agency' nurse is on their territory. I am so looking forward to going out to lunch tomorrow with a couple of the nurses who have kindly invited me on their outing.
The snakes are still my nemesis. They will surely be my ruin. Today i found out that the snakes previously mentioned have actually been found IN my unit, wrapped around the balcony and also on the step...all as the last nurse here walked to night shift. Ohhhhh, how i dread these times. I must look like a stalker as i sit in wait for headlights coming down the driveway so i can leap out and walk in with my partner. Luckily they all think it is good timing and not a strategic plan i have so as yet I don't look like too big a wimpess.
The flood situation has not affected us directly however one thing I have noticed is the short supply of food and the cost of it. I am sure this is going to be Australia wide as so much food comes from the flooded regions or was stored in warehouses in Brisbane which are now submerged. As is the rest of the country we are watching in horror as the floods claim more lives, properties, dreams and businesses. All I can do from here is pray for those who are in the middle of it all and hope there is help available when they need it, financial, emotional and physical. On a positive note the heroism and camaraderie shown makes me proud to be an Aussie OI OI OI!!!
Till the next post...hooroo xox Colleen

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colleen,
    Glad to hear you are settling in OK. Good on you for doing this. Of course the staff are happy to have you, not too many people would volunteer to work in Richmond! Enjoy your lunch with your new collegues.

